Overview of Java:

Java was invented by James Gosling, Patrick Naughton, Chris Warth, Ed Frank and Mike Sheridan at Sun Microsystems, Inc. in 1991. t took 18 months to develop the first werking version of Java. This language was initially called "Oak" but was renamed "Java" in 1995, Java has become the most important programming language because it is a language for internet. The most exciting feature of Java is its platform independency. 
This lesson is designed in such a manner that even the programmers who simply know the basics of C or C++ can execute their own Java programs. In this lesson we will learn basic Java programming with the help of simple examples. 

Java Features:

Various feature of Java programming language are as given below- 

1. Java is very simple programming language. Even though you have no programming background you can learn this language comfortably. The programruners who have worked on C++ can learn this language very efficiently. 

2. Java is popular because it is an object oriented programming language like C++. 

3. Platform independence is the most exciting feature of Java. That means Programs in Java can be executed on variety of systems. This feature is based on the goal "write once, run anywhere and at any time, forever" 

4. Java supports multithreaded programming which allows a programmer to write such a program that can perform many tasks simultaneously. This ultimately helps the programmer to develop more interactive systems. 

5. Thus robustness is the essential criteria for the Java programs. 

6. Java is designed for distributed systems. Hence two different objects on different computer can communicate with each other. This can be achieved by Remote Method Invocation (RMI). This feature is very much useful in client server communication.


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