Anna University CY3151 Engineering Chemistry Syllabus (Regulation 2021)
Unit I: Water and Its Treatment
- Water: Sources and impurities.
- Water quality parameters: Definition and significance of color, odor, turbidity, pH, hardness, alkalinity, TDS, COD, BOD, fluoride, and arsenic.
- Municipal water treatment: Primary treatment and disinfection (UV, Ozonation, break-point chlorination).
- Desalination of brackish water: Reverse Osmosis.
- Boiler troubles: Scale and sludge, Boiler corrosion, Caustic embrittlement, Priming & foaming.
- Treatment of boiler feed water: Internal treatment (phosphate, colloidal, sodium aluminate, and calgon conditioning) and External treatment – Ion exchange demineralization and zeolite process.
Unit II: Nanochemistry
- Basics: Distinction between molecules, nanomaterials, and bulk materials; Size-dependent properties (optical, electrical, mechanical, and magnetic).
- Types of nanomaterials: Definition, properties, and uses of nanoparticles, nanoclusters, nanorods, nanowires, and nanotubes.
- Preparation of nanomaterials: Sol-gel, solvothermal, laser ablation, chemical vapor deposition, electrochemical deposition, and electrospinning.
- Applications of nanomaterials in medicine, agriculture, energy, electronics, and catalysis.
Unit III: Phase Rule and Composites
- Phase rule: Introduction, definition of terms with examples.
- One component system: Water system; Reduced phase rule; Construction of a simple eutectic phase diagram.
- Two component system: Lead-silver system - Pattinson process.
- Composites: Definition & need; Constitution: Matrix materials (polymer, metal, ceramic) and reinforcement (fiber, particulates, flakes, whiskers).
- Properties and applications of Metal matrix composites (MMC), Ceramic matrix composites, and Polymer matrix composites.
- Hybrid composites - Definition and examples.
Unit IV: Fuels and Combustion
- Fuels: Introduction and classification; Coal and coke: Analysis of coal (proximate and ultimate), Carbonization, Manufacture of metallurgical coke (Otto Hoffmann method).
- Petroleum and Diesel: Manufacture of synthetic petrol (Bergius process), Knocking - octane number, diesel oil - cetane number; Power alcohol and biodiesel.
- Combustion of fuels: Calorific value - higher and lower calorific values, theoretical calculation; Ignition temperature: spontaneous ignition temperature, explosive range; Flue gas analysis - ORSAT method; CO2 emission and carbon footprint.
Unit V: Energy Sources and Storage Devices
- Stability of nucleus: Mass defect, binding energy.
- Nuclear energy: Light water nuclear power plant, breeder reactor.
- Solar energy conversion: Principles, working, and applications of solar cells; Recent developments in solar cell materials.
- Wind energy; Geothermal energy.
- Batteries: Types - Primary battery (dry cell), Secondary battery (lead-acid, lithium-ion); Electric vehicles - working principles.
- Fuel cells: H2-O2 fuel cell, microbial fuel cell.
- Supercapacitors: Storage principles, types, and examples.
Course Objectives
- To inculcate sound understanding of water quality parameters and water treatment techniques.
- To impart knowledge on the basic principles and preparatory methods of nanomaterials.
- To introduce the basic concepts and applications of phase rule and composites.
- To facilitate the understanding of different types of fuels, their preparation, properties, and combustion characteristics.
- To familiarize students with the operating principles, working processes, and applications of energy conversion and storage devices.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
- CO1: Infer the quality of water from quality parameter data and propose suitable treatment methodologies.
- CO2: Identify and apply basic concepts of nanoscience and nanotechnology in designing the synthesis of nanomaterials for engineering applications.
- CO3: Apply knowledge of phase rule and composites for material selection requirements.
- CO4: Recommend suitable fuels for engineering processes and applications.
- CO5: Recognize different forms of energy resources and apply them in suitable applications in the energy sector.
- P. C. Jain and Monica Jain. Engineering Chemistry. 17th Edition, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company, 2018.
- Sivasankar B. Engineering Chemistry. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2008.
- S.S. Dara. A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry. S. Chand Publishing, 12th Edition, 2018.
- B. S. Murty et al. Textbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Universities Press, 2018.
- O.G. Palanna. Engineering Chemistry. McGraw Hill Education, 2nd Edition, 2017.
- Friedrich Emich. Engineering Chemistry. Scientific International PVT, LTD, 2014.
- Shikha Agarwal. Engineering Chemistry-Fundamentals and Applications. Cambridge University Press, 2019.
- O.V. Roussak and H.D. Gesser. Applied Chemistry - A Textbook for Engineers and Technologists. Springer Science Business Media, 2nd Edition, 2013.
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